WebAssembly computations manipulate values of the four basic value types: integers and
floating-point data of 32 or 64 bit width each, respectively.
In most places of the semantics, values of different types can occur. In order to avoid
ambiguities, values are therefore represented with an abstract syntax that makes their type
explicit. It is convenient to reuse the same notation as for the const instructions producing
val ::= i32.const i32
i64.const i64
f32.const f32
f64.const f64
Defines a value for use in WebAssembly at runtime.
From the docs:
WebAssembly computations manipulate values of the four basic value types: integers and floating-point data of 32 or 64 bit width each, respectively.
In most places of the semantics, values of different types can occur. In order to avoid ambiguities, values are therefore represented with an abstract syntax that makes their type explicit. It is convenient to reuse the same notation as for the
instructions producing them: